What is the job of the OH&S Manager as indicated by OHSAS 18001?

Most organization that have an OH&SMS (Operational Health and Safety Management System) ensured against OHSAS 18001 will in general have an inward OH&S director. The OHSAS 18001 standard itself makes no particular notice of a prerequisite for a position, making reference to just "top administration " and making reference to individuals will's identity selected as viewed as being "mindful" for assignments inside the OH&SMS itself. In any case, numerous associations that work in parts that request an abnormal state of OH&S (operational well being and security) learning and ability will ordinarily will in general select a master supervisor with experience and capabilities for this position. Things being what they are, given this is the situation, what capacities and expertise should an OH&S Manager need to guarantee the association is lined up with OHSAS 18001 and can convey amazing OH&S execution ? The OH&S Manager – Skill...